Soil - Tree - Climate in Cown and Country

International Conference und Excursion on September 26th and 27th 2024 in Tulln (AT)

In view of the advancing climate change and the associated extreme weather conditions and catastrophic events such as landslides, flooding, heat waves and dry spells, cities, municipalities and regions are increasingly interested in concrete measures to adapt to climate change.
Soils play a central role in this, provided they are available in the appropriate quality and quantity. Important functions include water storage, evaporation and cooling, provision of nutrients or buffering of pollutants. Additional effects such as increasing biodiversity, enhancing aesthetic quality, fruit utilisation, etc. can be achieved by planting trees and shrubs.
Trees in the city and in the landscape are central elements of so-called nature-based solutions - a term that entered the public debate around 20 years ago. The European Commission understands this to mean solutions that are inspired by nature, are cost-effective, offer environmental, social and economic benefits and contribute to strengthening resilience.

The 2024 annual conference will focus on the role of woody plants in settlements and cultural landscapes - often referred to as agroforestry systems -, present successful examples from various municipalities and regions in Europe and discuss the potential for adapting to climate change at various levels.
The event is organised by the European Land and Soil Alliance ELSA and is being held in cooperation with the Province of Lower Austria, the Municipality of Tulln, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and Climate Alliance Austria.

Registration follows.


PROGRAMME | Thursday, 26 September 2024 | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

8.00 am | Registration
9.00 am | Welcome by representatives of the Province of Lower Austria, Municipality of Tulln, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and ELSA e. V.
9.30 am | Input from Sonja Medwedski "Patient Soil"
9.45 am | Key notes / keynote speeches

GD Prof Dr Joachim Schellnhuber/IIASA, Laxenburg
"If you want to store CO2, you should plant trees"
DI Dr Bernhard Scharf/Institute for Engineering Biology+Landscaping, BOKU
"Green in the city - from cosmetics to green space justice"
Mayor DI Johannes Pressl, President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities
"Green infrastructure in the municipalities - opportunities and challenges"
Panel discussion, moderated by Christa Lackner, Managing Director of "Natur im Garten"

11.15 am | Panel discussion, moderated by Christa Lackner, Managing Director
"Nature in the Garden"
12.30 pm | Lunch
2.00 pm   | Workshops

Panel 1 "Trees in the city need healthy soil"

Preservation of existing tree populations; climate protection and climate change adaptation through near-natural green space and garden design; water storage in the city; evaporation performance of urban trees

Panel 2 "Trees in the agricultural landscape"

Biotope network systems in the landscape; ecosystem services of landscape elements using the example of multi-benefit hedges

Panel 3 "Importance of agroforestry systems for soil protection"

Agroforestry systems in Austria and other European countries: Development, experiences, contribution to adaptation to climate change


4.15 pm | Closing panel
5.00 pm | End 1st day

Excursion | Friday, 27 September 2024 | 9.00 am to approx. 1.00 pm

Excursion in Tulln:

  •     Nibelungenplatz - redesign, unsealing, sponge city

  •     Soil protection facilities Lower Austrian agricultural district authority, Zeiselweg (near sugar factory)

  •     The Tulln Garden (Lower Austrian "Nature in the Garden" initiative)

Further information on the conference will follow shortly.

Conference Language


Conference Office

Anna Averbeck
c/o Stadt Osnabrück
Postfach 4460 | D-49034 Osnabrück
Telefon +49 (0)541 - 323 7035