Twenty-three environmental organisations have requested the German federal government to adopt an ambitious moor protection strategy.




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The North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection and the Association for land recycling and...

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The energy revolution has significantly increased the focus on the laying of underground cables. In its guidelines, the State of Schleswig-Holstein...

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Funding will be provided for up to five collaborative projects that will research findings and technologies with the aim of establishing climate-smart...

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This project includes the development of an app that can be used to estimate the current humus content using a photograph of the soil and the location...

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Methods, management practices and limitations": Agricultural soils have a great potential for carbon sequestration due to the build-up of soil organic...

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The Soil Alliance and the Climate Alliance share a 20-year common history. There is now a joint series of events on the multi-faceted association...

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The management of agricultural soils plays a key role in the discussion on climate change. With this in mind, the EU Commission and 24 member states...

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Soil and climate are closely related and are mutually dependent. "Klimanavigator" (Climate Navigator) – an initiative of numerous German climate...

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Mit großer Mehrheit hat das EU-Parlament im April für die Entschließung zum Bodenschutz gestimmt. Kommt jetzt die verbindliche europäische...

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