Based on the film "Six Inches Of Soil", which tells the story of young British farmers who are rebelling against the industrial food system and want...

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Recommendations of the Soil Protection Commission at the UBA (KBU) for nationwide soil biological monitoring

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The company "followfood" has launched an initiative to support the transition to organic farming with healthy soils.

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The position paper of the Soil Protection Commission at the Federal Environment Agency (KBU) clearly summarizes the importance of our soils in the...

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Renaturalized floodplains with fertile soils are a strong flood protection. However, much more emphasis is placed on technical protection and the...

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Heavy rainfall and flood events often release pollutants as a result of erosion and flooding of facilities, industrial and commercial areas, public...

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Soils in many intensively farmed regions of Europe and Germany are suffering from increasing compaction. These soils no longer hold the water in the...

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UFZ experts from the fields of hydrology, climate science and floodplain protection answer questions on flooding in short statements and highlight the...

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The SWR Wissen article explains why this is the case.

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The forest soil - soil of the year 2024 - is immensely important in flood protection.

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